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Starna Certified Reference Materials for UV and Visible Spectroscopy

The highly regulated environment in which many laboratories now work demands that analytical measurements are made in a strictly controlled environment.

Starna Certified Reference Materials are the most conveniant tools for validating spectrophotometric measurements in the ultra violet and visible regions and satisfy the most stringent requirements of all international control bodies.

Starna CRM are fully traceable to NIST primary standards and are manufactured under ISO Guide 34 conditions,accepted world wide as the highest standard commercially available.

The certification process satisfies ISO 17025.

Starna Scientific is the only supplier of UV/Visible CRM to be approved as a reference material Suppier by UKAS,the United Kingdom Accrrditation Service and to hold both ISO 17025 and guide 34 Accreditations.

All Starna CRM carry a lifetime guarantee,provided they are used and stored correctly and recalibrated at intervals of not more than 2 years.

Copyright Dalian Huayang analytical instruments Co., Ltd.All right reserved. Preparation of Liao ICP
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